This Sunday Nov 8th we will be getting into our weekly rotations, fresh combinations of tice squad residents alongside special guests! GIT INTO IT PEOPLE THE TICE MOVEMENT IS IN FULL SWING!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Just a heads up, ANY GIVEN SUNDAYS will not be happening this Sunday Nov 1st, in honor of the last Banana Split. GO THERE!! it's bout to be insane...
We will be back on the some big tings in the works!
Once again DJ's Steve1der, Mr Best, & Spider bring you their annual SURE/SHOT HALLOWEEN PARTY goin down Thursday, Oct. 29th @ Winstons. Watch & Dance to classic Halloween music videos & movies. Costumes are highly recomended. Free as always, RSVP. @
welcome to the Tice Squad blog, where you can find info on our weekly party Any Given Sundays, archives of The Tice Squad Tuesday ustream shows, and random bouts of iceyness from the whole crew. BONG